POWER-13 KS is liquid concentrated Potassium-Sulphur fertiliser. Its application helps to avoid and correct potassium nutrient deficiencies, to improve the quality characteristics of the fruits produced (taste, aroma, colour, sugar content, etc.), to increase the plants’ resistance to drought and bad weather and to increase the duration of the post-harvest preservation of fruits. It is particularly effective in hydrolubrication when the soil is alkaline, as it has the property of reducing the pH. POWER-13 KS is suitable for all crops in the biological stages of the plants, where potassium needs are increased.
POWER-13 KS can be combined with all routine pesticides and fertilisers. In POWER-13 KS spray solutions, pH should not be less than 6. It is also not recommended to apply it to soils with a pH below 6.
In each case of an unknown combination, test beforehand on a small area. Apply during the coolest hours of the day and immediately after preparing the solution. For spraying in greenhouses, apply the lowest dosages.
Please contact with the local agronomist