Tritosulfuron 71.4% w/w + Florasulam 5.4% w/w +Auxiliaries 20.05 % w/w.
BIATHLON SUPER combats cleavers and broadleaf weeds, post-emergence in wheat (soft and hard), barley, Triticale, Rye and Oats crops. It is a mixture of two herbicidal substances, with action mainly through the foliage: Tritosulfuron and florasulam act by blocking the ALS enzyme, which is necessary in the biosynthesis of amino acids.
H302: Harmful if swallowed.
Η410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
EUH401: To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use.
EUH208: Contains < tritosulfuron>. May produce an allergic reaction.
Foliar spray.
Σιτάρι (μαλακό και σκληρό), Κριθάρι, Τριτικάλε, Σίκαλη, Βρώμη / Δεν ορίζεται. Καθορίζεται από τον χρόνο μεταξύ τελευταίας επέμβασης και συγκομιδής >120 ημερών.
H302: Harmful if swallowed.
Η410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
EUH401: To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use.
EUH208: Contains < tritosulfuron>. May produce an allergic reaction.